Maps of Misterra

Review of Maps of Misterra – Forest? What Forest … ?!?

I’ve been enjoying publisher Sit Down!‘s output for a while now. They first came on my radar with 2017’s collaborative no-speaking supermarket heist Magic Maze and since then I’ve both enjoyed my plays of competitive minesweeper-style Tiwanaku and the gorgeous, nature photography themed Redwood. While definitely more on the lighter end of the spectrum of …

Inventions: Evolutions of Ideas

First Impressions of Inventions: Evolution of Ideas – Chains, Chains, So Many Chains

Vital Lacerda, master of interweaving mechanisms, has given us a new game, hurray! Vital is one of only a handful designers for which I actively seek out to try as much of their oeuvre as possible: Ryan Laukat, Vladimir Suchy, Jeroen & Joris from Splotter, Vital Lacerda are all designers that constantly seem to challenge …

Indonesia board game

First Impressions of Indonesia – Beating the Competition

I enjoy keeping my finger on the pulse, checking out what new games get released, what new mechanisms or themes get introduced to the hobby. As someone who writes about games, it’s gratifying to do deep dives into games that just came out and help them find their right audience. It’s a similar story on …


Origin Stories: Evacuation – An Interview With Designer Vladimír Suchý

For this episode of Origin Stories, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Vladimír Suchý. In my mind, his name is synonymous with “something unique and different”. Similar to reading a great novelist, I’m always looking forward to playing his new releases, regardless of the specific story or mechanisms. Whatever one of his games might …

Heat: Pedal to the Metal - Heavy Rain

First Impressions of Heat: Heavy Rain – Rainy Forecast Turns Out to Be Sunny With Clouds

Here we go again! It’s finally time for Heat’s first expansion to hit the market and it’s timing couldn’t have been more perfect: I’ve got a couple of days off work, a serious cold is keeping me mostly indoors, and even the weather here in Hamburg has decided to play along and be appropriately dreadful …

Mosaic board game

Patching Board Games

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend! I’m not sure where I heard it first, but someone once said that in the first two weeks after releasing an anticipated game, it gets played more often than during all of the months and years of playtesting combined. It’s shocking to hear at first but makes …