First Impressions of Pampero – How Many Plays Do You Owe A Game?

Ah, Kickstarter, you gotta love it. Sure, we all had our fair share of duds over the years but overall it’s always been an enjoyable spectacle for me. From the videos listing upcoming games to the hype-inducing previews that more often than not made me wonder “what were they thinking?” when I held the final …

Pandemic Rising Tide

Review of Pandemic: Rising Tide – You Saved the World, but Can You Save the Netherlands?

After playing the original Pandemic for over ten years, struggling with mutating viruses and terrorists in Pandemic: On the Brink, and upending the usual way to cure things with Pandemic: In the Lab, the prospect of digging into another version of the all to familiar Pandemic seemed daunting to me.  Pandemic has rightfully become a …

Salton Sea board game

First Impressions of Salton Sea – A Mechanism, an Eye Test, and a Theme Walk into a Bar …

In recent years, board games have made some giant leaps when it comes to their production. Just look at an ICE or Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies, they are pieces of art! Despite my interest in Lacerda games and fondness of Foundations of Rome, I’ve come to dread giant Kickstarter productions though. Sure, they might look …

Anno 1800 expansion

First Impressions of Anno 1800: The Expansion – A Welcome Update to Version 1.2

Expansions are always tricky to write about. Some of you might never have played the base game and be curious to learn if the combined game is now something they should check out. Others already have played the base game extensively and come with a whole range of expectations what an expansion should and should …

3D Printed Miniatures for Foundations of Rome – Gardens of Ceres

There are a number of issues I had with Foundations of Rome‘s solo mode “Gardens of Ceres”, chief among them that Ceres doesn’t integrate some essential aspects of the multiplayer experience and that it only comes with cardboard tiles where everything else in the game is a nicely designed miniature. I already tried to address …

Concordia Solitaria

50 Reviews Later …

Hi y’all, I’ve crossed the milestone of 50 published reviews a couple of weeks ago. If you know my style of writing, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that this took me almost 2 1/2 years! To celebrate, I thought it might be nice to do a “where are they now”. I always like …