First Impressions of Anno 1800: The Expansion – A Welcome Update to Version 1.2

Expansions are always tricky to write about. Some of you might never have played the base game and be curious to learn if the combined game is now something they should check out. Others already have played the base game extensively and come with a whole range of expectations what an expansion should and should …

3D Printed Miniatures for Foundations of Rome – Gardens of Ceres

There are a number of issues I had with Foundations of Rome‘s solo mode “Gardens of Ceres”, chief among them that Ceres doesn’t integrate some essential aspects of the multiplayer experience and that it only comes with cardboard tiles where everything else in the game is a nicely designed miniature. I already tried to address …

Concordia Solitaria

50 Reviews Later …

Hi y’all, I’ve crossed the milestone of 50 published reviews a couple of weeks ago. If you know my style of writing, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that this took me almost 2 1/2 years! To celebrate, I thought it might be nice to do a “where are they now”. I always like …

Maps of Misterra

Review of Maps of Misterra – Forest? What Forest … ?!?

I’ve been enjoying publisher Sit Down!‘s output for a while now. They first came on my radar with 2017’s collaborative no-speaking supermarket heist Magic Maze and since then I’ve both enjoyed my plays of competitive minesweeper-style Tiwanaku and the gorgeous, nature photography themed Redwood. While definitely more on the lighter end of the spectrum of …

Inventions: Evolutions of Ideas

First Impressions of Inventions: Evolution of Ideas – Chains, Chains, So Many Chains

Vital Lacerda, master of interweaving mechanisms, has given us a new game, hurray! Vital is one of only a handful designers for which I actively seek out to try as much of their oeuvre as possible: Ryan Laukat, Vladimir Suchy, Jeroen & Joris from Splotter, Vital Lacerda are all designers that constantly seem to challenge …

Indonesia board game

First Impressions of Indonesia – Beating the Competition

I enjoy keeping my finger on the pulse, checking out what new games get released, what new mechanisms or themes get introduced to the hobby. As someone who writes about games, it’s gratifying to do deep dives into games that just came out and help them find their right audience. It’s a similar story on …