Heat: Pedal to the Metal board game table setup

Origin Stories: Heat: Pedal to the Metal – An Interview with Co-Designer Asger Harding Granerud – Part 2

This is part 2 of my conversation with Asger about Heat: Pedal to the Metal. The full conversation was 90min long, so I had to edit it down a bit and split into two parts for better readability. If you haven’t read part 1, you should do so here. In this part, we talk about …

Heat: Pedal to the Metal board game table setup

Origin Stories: Heat: Pedal to the Metal – An Interview with Co-Designer Asger Harding Granerud – Part 1

For the third instalment in my series Origin Stories, I had the pleasure to talk to Asger Harding Granerud, one of the two designers (with Daniel Skjold Pedersen) behind what is very likely the most in-demand board game of 2023, Heat: Pedal to the Metal. Fresh off a prestigious nomination for the Deutsche Spielepreis, I …


First Impressions of Barcelona – Putting the Charm Back Into Euros

The other day, while I was playing Barcelona, I was wondering: what made me fall in love with games like Grand Austria Hotel, Suburbia and or more recently La Granja. They don’t have the most mechanical perfect designs. They have artwork I enjoy a lot, but they are no artistical masterpieces I would frame and …

Mr. President: Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020

First Impressions of Mr President: The American Presidency 2001-2020 – It’s Hard to be POTUS

I have the feeling I need to preface this one with a huge disclaimer: More than any other game I can think of, Mr President is first and foremost a interesting challenge. It’s a challenge to learn, a challenge to play, a challenge to write about. And I’m not even sure I’m the right person …

Rolling Height

Review of Rolling Heights – True to Its Theme, Things Take Longer Than Planned

Aaah, Kickstarter, what a hodgepodge of emotions! From FOMO to buyer’s remorse, happy anticipation to the dread of something possibly never fulfilling, pride of having backed something amazing to the feeling of superiority when one has managed to miss a dud. Lately, I’ve noticed a new aspect of it which for lack of a better …

For Northwood

First Impressions of For Northwood – Trick Taking for One?

Do you know the feeling when you play a game and wonder “why on earth did I buy this”? Not in a bad way, just seriously asking yourself what made you do it. On paper, For Northwood is a 1p-only (so far so interesting), trick-taking game (not particular exciting stuff) with art that could be …