Tranquility the Ascent

Preview of Tranquility: The Ascent – The Things We Do for Board Games

What is the craziest thing you have done to get a board game? Stood way too early in front of the Essen convention halls, waiting for the gates to open? Check (cannot even remember the game I so desperately wanted at the time). Searched through a foreign land’s eBay to acquire that expansion you really …

Carnegie Table Setup

First Impressions of Carnegie – A Perfected Euro Experience

One of my favourite experiences in board gaming is being unexpectedly blown away by a game. I realise I’m tipping my hand here as to what direction the conclusion of these first impressions will likely go, but let’s stick with it. I fondly remember the day when I picked up a second hand copy of Dune: …

Castles of Mad King Ludwig Collector's Edition

First Impressions of Castles of Mad King Ludwig Collector’s Edition – Lovely Game Gets Dreamy Production

Alright, let’s get this out of the way. These first impressions will likely be different for two reasons: one, this is the very first Kickstarter that I backed myself and has actually fulfilled. Up to now, I’ve typically just waited for games to actually ship, checked how they turned out and then grabbed a copy …

Stars of Akarios

First Impressions of Stars of Akarios – Which Way to The Battle, Kind Sir?

I was just thinking I might be the least qualified person on BGG to write about Stars of Akarios: I have played neither Gloomhaven, Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon, nor Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, so a lot of comparisons others make I cannot draw from. I’m also not a miniature-driven purchaser of games. But for some …

Curious Cargo

Review of Curious Cargo – A (Solo) Knife Fight in a Phone Booth

I’ve been playing Curious Cargo a lot in the last two weeks. And I mean a lot a lot. There are some games that immediately trigger something in my brain to go “yeeees” and make it difficult to stop wanting to play it. I’m thinking of games like SET or Ricochet Robots, games that most of my friends …

Foundations of Rome

First Impressions of Foundations of Rome – I’ll Take Miniature City Builder for 200, Alex!

Alright, let’s admit it, I like a good city builder. It’s not the most exciting or innovative concept in board gaming but it is sure satisfying to build your own little empire, street by street, building by building. Where the idea of actually establishing a trade empire in the Mediterranean or exploring the depth of …

Furnace Table Setup

Review of Furnace – Does a Clever Twist Make a Game?

What does it take for a game to stay in your collection? A clever, unique mechanism? Nice graphics? Accessibility? The downside of collecting board games and the shear volume of games being published nowadays is that it gets tough for a new game to be brought to the table, let alone get repeated plays. Take Cellulose: …

Burgle Bros 2

Review of Burgle Bros 2 – Let’s Have a Ridiculous Good Time

A friend of mine once commented that to the uninitiated, it must seem completely ridiculous we are playing board games for fun. We were fretting over some heavy euro, probably the original Caylus or something similar. Everyone around the table could be seen mildly frustrated that they were missing that one resource they needed or living in …