On tour board game full setup

Review of On Tour – Why Some Roll-and-Writes Work While Others Don’t

I’m not the biggest fan of roll-and-writes, but I’ve played my fair share of them. From simple ones like Railroad Inc or Saint Malo over combotastic ones like Ganz Schön Clever to more complex ones like Troyes Dice, Welcome to the Moon or Hadrian’s Wall. At some point, I got rid of all of them. …

Oros full table setup

First Impressions of Oros – A Fresh Breeze That Moves Mountains

It only takes a quick look to realise there is something different about Oros: its art style lies between the abstract or painterly detailed art of most games, the box is a bit bigger than usual (approximately 1.5x Ticket-to-Ride-boxes), the mood is unusually cheerful for a game about demigods, reminding me of an animated movie …

Splender Duel Table Setup

First Impressions of Splendor Duel – Smaller Box, Bigger Game?

Splendor is one of those games that feel like they have been around forever, like Ticket to Ride or Carcassonne. Easy to teach, nice production, great flow, maybe a bit bland after repeated plays but always good to have in a collection. While not the deepest game, there is a nice meta game of seeing …

Carnegie board game box

Origin Stories: Carnegie – An Interview with Author Xavier Georges

Hi Xavier, thanks for taking the time to talk about Carnegie. You’re the very first guest in this interview series on the origin stories of board games and I couldn’t be happier starting it with you. From Initial Idea to Design Most people probably know you as one of the co-designers of Troyes and Black …

A Year in Review

In January of 2022, I started writing first impressions/reviews on Boardgamegeek and then later adding them to my own site as well. While it’s technically not a full year yet, it seemed like a good opportunity to stop for a moment and look back on the experience so far. Have you ever thought about writing …

Metal Coins in Board Games – So You’ve Got Metal Coins, Right?

A friend asked me the other day “You’ve got metal coins, right?” and I tentatively said “suuuuurrrreeee?”. While a lot of people have stopped buying metal coins or settle on a single set they use for everything, I still enjoy having dedicated ones for games I really like. There is an art to metal coins …

Heat: Pedal to the Metal board game table setup

First Impressions of Heat: Pedal to the Metal – Zero to Fun in Sixty Seconds

We’re approaching the next corner and I’m way too fast. In the front, the leader is trying to pull away from me so I have to keep up. In the back, the rest of the competition is breathing down my neck. There is a discerning amount of stress, heat is starting to build up, and …

Encyclopedia board game kickstarter

On The Table: Encyclopedia, Endless Winter, Sabika, Hamlet, Lacrimosa

I got a number of new games to the table, none of which I really felt had an interesting enough story to tell for one of my full length articles. So instead, let’s try this new lightning round format: On The Table. Encyclopedia: I’m quite fond of this one. Love the art style, the dice stealing …