Galileo Galilei

First Impression of Galileo Galilei – Being Good Is Better Than Just Standing Out

The action-selection, combo-driven, point-salady Euro as a sub-genre has definitely become overcrowded in recent years. I for one had my fair share of games that worked well mechanically but were ultimately forgettable and without any stand out moments, one play being the same as the next, always leading me to the same question: why should …


Origin Stories: Barcelona – An Interview With Designer Dani Garcia – Part 1

Euro games are a tricky category to design in. While their focus on balanced game play and avoidances of direct player conflict has given them immense popularity over the years, those strong points have also caused a lot of new releases to feel bland and interchangeable. Why should one care if one is building churches …

Stamp Swap

First Impressions of Stamp Swap – Sometimes The Right Framing Is Everything

Everybody likes an underdog, especially if it looks this pretty! Stamp Swap by Stonemeier Games hasn’t been out for long but it’s BGG rating has already dropped to a 7.2 and most reviews I’ve seen are somewhere in the “it’s not for me” (also known as the “I got this as a review copy and …

SPIEL Essen 2024 Roads & Boats Joshua

Table Talk With Joshua Acosta – Roads & Boats: Book of Scenarios Volume 1

Preparing for a convention like SPIEL Essen, I always enjoy browsing all the pre-con reporting, anticipation lists, and pre-order threads. While I did my research for SPIEL Essen 2024, I came upon something I hadn’t expected at all and to be honest hadn’t thought I would need until I found it: a scenario book for …

Tokyo Highway Rainbow City

First Impressions of Tokyo Highway: Rainbow City – Smaller Package, More Toys

I don’t even remember how I got to my copy of the original Tokyo Highway. It might have been on a board game flee market or something like that, but I’m sure I hadn’t seen it on YouTube and I hadn’t read a review. I picked up that grey Ticket-to-Ride-sized box, looked at the back …

The Thumbs-Economy – Looking at the Data Behind a Review’s Popularity

Since the beginning, I’ve been fortunate that my reviews became popular on BGG quite quickly. My assumption has always been that it’s a mixture of the format (long form, in-depth), having lots of pictures that help to illustrate points, and that I don’t write fluff pieces. I don’t accept review copies and can thus write …

Unconscious Mind

First Impressions of Unconscious Mind – What it Means to be Truly Thematic

Two years in board gaming really feels like an eternity! I realised this more than ever before when I finally receiving my copy of Unconscious Mind a few weeks ago. Hard to believe, but it’s been two years since I decided to back this game, mostly on the strength of its visuals, theme, and because …

SPIEL Essen 2024 Steam Power

Table Talk with Martin Wallace – Steam Power, Casus Belli, and The Many, Many New Games From Mr. Wallace

Since last year’s conversation for Origin Stories: Brass was so much fun, I once again caught up with Martin at SPIEL Essen 2024. I was interested to learn why there were suddenly so many releases of his at the fair. Also that very morning, I had played my very first session of Steam Power, a …