Experimenting With a New Playthrough Format

I’m toying with the idea of a more edited, stylised type of playthrough video format. I usually write reviews and do interviews and I always enjoy the story telling aspect of it the most. I want to take that to videos and especially playthroughs. So I’m wondering if there is a way to do boardgame playthroughs almost more like …

The Thumbs-Economy – Looking at the Data Behind a Review’s Popularity

Since the beginning, I’ve been fortunate that my reviews became popular on BGG quite quickly. My assumption has always been that it’s a mixture of the format (long form, in-depth), having lots of pictures that help to illustrate points, and that I don’t write fluff pieces. I don’t accept review copies and can thus write …

Concordia Solitaria

50 Reviews Later …

Hi y’all, I’ve crossed the milestone of 50 published reviews a couple of weeks ago. If you know my style of writing, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that this took me almost 2 1/2 years! To celebrate, I thought it might be nice to do a “where are they now”. I always like …