Bus board game

First Impressions of Bus – A Masterclass In Board Game Design

Over the past year, I have been on sort of a deep dive, trying to explore as many games from Dutch design duo / boutique publisher Splotter Spellen as I can. If you are not aware of their oeuvre, their games are highly diverse in topics and mechanisms – from managing org-charts of a fast …

Asian Tigers board game

First Impressions of Asian Tigers – Abstract as Abstract Can Be

When a friend asked me whether I could pick up a copy of Asian Tigers for them while I was at SPIEL Essen 2024, my first thought was: why haven’t I heard about this game? My second thought – after looking up picture on BoardGameGeek – was: of all the games available, you want me to …

Landmarks board game

First Impressions of Landmarks – The Better Codenames?

To say I’m a fan of publisher Floodgate Games’ output would be a bit of an overstatement, but they are on my radar and so far I have been quite fond of their output. 2022’s cooperative hourglass-turning Kites was a beautifully illustrated game about keeping kites up in the air. It looked gorgeous and charming, …

Galileo Galilei

First Impression of Galileo Galilei – Being Good Is Better Than Just Standing Out

The action-selection, combo-driven, point-salady Euro as a sub-genre has definitely become overcrowded in recent years. I for one had my fair share of games that worked well mechanically but were ultimately forgettable and without any stand out moments, one play being the same as the next, always leading me to the same question: why should …

Stamp Swap

First Impressions of Stamp Swap – Sometimes The Right Framing Is Everything

Everybody likes an underdog, especially if it looks this pretty! Stamp Swap by Stonemeier Games hasn’t been out for long but it’s BGG rating has already dropped to a 7.2 and most reviews I’ve seen are somewhere in the “it’s not for me” (also known as the “I got this as a review copy and …

Tokyo Highway Rainbow City

First Impressions of Tokyo Highway: Rainbow City – Smaller Package, More Toys

I don’t even remember how I got to my copy of the original Tokyo Highway. It might have been on a board game flee market or something like that, but I’m sure I hadn’t seen it on YouTube and I hadn’t read a review. I picked up that grey Ticket-to-Ride-sized box, looked at the back …

Unconscious Mind

First Impressions of Unconscious Mind – What it Means to be Truly Thematic

Two years in board gaming really feels like an eternity! I realised this more than ever before when I finally receiving my copy of Unconscious Mind a few weeks ago. Hard to believe, but it’s been two years since I decided to back this game, mostly on the strength of its visuals, theme, and because …

Barcelona: Passeig de Gràcia

First Impressions of Barcelona: Passeig de Gràcia – As Before, Good Timing Is Everything

Aaah, Barcelona! It’s been many, many years since I’ve been in this beautiful city, but I still have fond memories of it: Sitting in the Parc Güell, visiting the brilliant Gaudi museum inside La Pedrera, or in general strolling through the city and being amazed by its architecture. All those beautiful moorish-inspired private gardens on …

Rise & Fall Board Game

First Impressions of Rise & Fall – There Might Still Be Hope for Crowd Funding

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you’re browsing through Kickstarter projects, skip over a whole bunch of projects that look just plain boring or like another fulfilment disaster waiting to happen, and suddenly you stop. You’ve found a game that looks amazing! The visuals speak to you, the production is lavish, and the few sentences …

I, Napoleon

First Impressions of I, Napoleon: Swipe Left for Conflict

Sometimes, surprisingly, the BGG games market can be a source of inspiration for me what newly released games to try. With every pre-order or crowd funding project that is being fulfilled, someone inevitably will have had their life situation changed between backing and receiving a project … or they found that they didn’t get what …