Heat: Tunnel Vision

First Impressions of Heat: Tunnel Vision – Is More of the Same a Good or Bad Thing?

It’s only the second expansion for Heat: Pedal to the Metal, but Tunnel Vision presents what by now feels like a familiar recipe: two new tracks (again only one of which features the titular mechanism), a new upgrade / sponsor card type, a new 4-card championship, and a new color of racer. But does it …

Rise & Fall

Origin Stories: Rise & Fall – An Interview With Designer Christophe Boelinger

Looking back at 2024, Rise & Fall was one of the few stand-out games for me that a) did something radically different I hadn’t seen in another game before and b) I could see myself actually still playing in five years time. What initially looked like just another over-produced crowd funding game turned out to …

Greed Incorporated board game box

On The Table: Greed Incorporated, Wondrous Creatures, Heat: Tunnel Version, and more …

Hi everyone and welcome back to On The Table, my top-of-mind catch-you-up-with-what-I’m-playing format. Here’s what’s been on my table in last two months that I haven’t written about in my normal format yet … or in some cases will never do if I don’t find a good story to tell for a particular game. As …

Bus board game

First Impressions of Bus – A Masterclass In Board Game Design

Over the past year, I have been on sort of a deep dive, trying to explore as many games from Dutch design duo / boutique publisher Splotter Spellen as I can. If you are not aware of their oeuvre, their games are highly diverse in topics and mechanisms – from managing org-charts of a fast …