
This is a list of all games that have so far been discussed on Talking Shelf Space. Doing long form, in-depth reviews and first impressions does take its time. I seem to average one piece every 2-3 weeks and started in early 2022. So by now a sizeable back catalogue exists for you to enjoy!

  • Review of Tranquility – Almost Universal Appeal

    Review of Tranquility – Almost Universal Appeal

  • First Impressions of Heat: Heavy Rain – Rainy Forecast Turns Out to Be Sunny With Clouds

    First Impressions of Heat: Heavy Rain – Rainy Forecast Turns Out to Be Sunny With Clouds

  • Review of Redwood – A Kickstarter Extravaganza

    Review of Redwood – A Kickstarter Extravaganza

  • Review of High Season: Grand Hotel Roll & Write – Catering to an Audience

    Review of High Season: Grand Hotel Roll & Write – Catering to an Audience

  • Review of Tokyo Highway – Tiny Traffic Traverses Tricky Tongue Depressors

    Review of Tokyo Highway – Tiny Traffic Traverses Tricky Tongue Depressors

  • First Impressions of Last Light – A 4x Stratego in Space

    First Impressions of Last Light – A 4x Stratego in Space

  • First Impressions of Halls of Hegra – Congratulations, You Lost!

    First Impressions of Halls of Hegra – Congratulations, You Lost!

  • First Impressions of ICE – A Coffee Table Board Game

    First Impressions of ICE – A Coffee Table Board Game

  • First Impressions of Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies – A More Mature Experience

    First Impressions of Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies – A More Mature Experience

Editorial Policy

When I started this project, I had one firm rule: only write about a game if there is a story to tell. There is already an abundance of content creators that do “this is how the game is played and do I like it” and I noticed that I didn’t find them helpful at all. Often they were produced after only a few plays, which might explain why the enthusiasm with which the games were presented didn’t really match the long term feedback that later came from the community of players out there.

The articles on this site are written only once I’ve played a game enough times to discovered its core, what it is really about. They are more about the experience of playing a game rather than its rules. So don’t expect being able to play the game after reading one of the discussions here. Instead, I love digging into small details that one doesn’t get from a rulebook but only from actively playing a game. There are also no ratings. It is up to you to figure out if a particular game is for you. I can only try to paint you a picture what’s it like to play the game.

As a general rule, I don’t ask for review copies. I’m not opposed to the idea, but mainly I don’t want to have the pressure of having to write about a game I don’t know if it will interest me or not. Pretty much all games you read about on this page have been bought by me, either first or second hand, or been on loan from a friend. In the rare case where that isn’t so, I mention it in the article.