Besides writing reviews and doing interviews, I like to dabble in various side aspects of the modern board gaming hobby and this is the space for it:
3D Printing
I recently started designing custom parts for various board games, such as overlays, minis, etc. This section contains write-ups about the various projects and the STL files for download if you want to print them yourself.

There are a lot of great options to bling out games one really likes. This section contains all discussions on optional add-ons like metal coins, playmats, or custom dice.

I don’t visit that many conventions. But if I do, you’ll find my reporting in this section.

Re-Packing Guides
Sometimes games are hard to fit back into the box. If I encounter one and have my camera handy, I like to create quick guides to save other people some trouble.
Go to the Re-Packing Guides section

Solo Modes & Automa
From time to time, I design solo modes for games that don’t have them in the box or where I simply didn’t like the official one. For me, a solo mode should primarily provide the same experience as the multiplayer game, be relatively easy to execute and use a minimum (ideally none) of additional components. I also try to design automa so they can be used to replace any number of players and be used when two human players want more competition on the board or avoid weird official variants to compensate for the lack of more parties.